Although it is a good idea to be thoughtful in your decision-making, there are times when you may move beyond thoughtful to a place of confusion and overwhelm. A state like this is sometimes referred to as analysis paralysis. Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

How Does Analysis Paralysis Happen?

Analysis paralysis is a state that you can find yourself in when feeling extraordinarily confused and overwhelmed around a certain situation or decision. As we become more confused, we can experience finding ourselves caught in a whirlwind of thoughts that might leave us feeling as if making a clear, confident decision is impossible. Analysis paralysis stops us from moving forward and keeps us swirling in this whirlwind of thoughts.

What Kinds of Decisions Lead to Analysis Paralysis?

Some decisions we make are simple and are likely to not leave us confused and overwhelmed. However, there are certain types of decisions that may be more likely to lead toward analysis paralysis, including decisions around:

Career Family Marriage/Relationships Finances

Because decisions in these areas can greatly influence our well-being, our future, and our loved ones, it is understandable that these topics, in particular, can be more likely to lead to analysis paralysis. The risk of making the wrong choice in any of these areas of life can weigh heavily on our minds and lead to over-thinking and asking too many people for their opinion.

What Does Analysis Paralysis Feel Like?

Most anyone can relate to feeling confused and would likely agree that it is not pleasant. Our stress might increase, our thoughts race and we can become frustrated. In a state of analysis paralysis, we might feel these things to a level that leaves us fatigued and significantly overwhelmed. You may experience stress-related symptoms such as:

Ruminating thoughts Rapid heart rate Anxiety Sweating Shallow breathing Loss of sleep Fatigue Disinterest in making a decision Lack of productivity Inability to focus

Which Traits Contribute to Analysis Paralysis?

Although anyone can experience a state of analysis paralysis, there are certain traits that can influence someone finding themselves in a state like this more easily.

Rigid Thinking

People who often think in dichotomous terms such as strictly good or bad, all or nothing, correct or incorrect can find themselves confused when a decision doesn’t clearly fit one category or the other.


Perfectionists are often very careful people, which in and of itself is not bad, but perfectionism can lead to trouble when faced with decisions about love, relationships, future goals, career, or family. There are many unknowns and potential outcomes in these types of decisions that can impact us and those we care about.


People-pleasing involves a desire to make people happy at any cost, at times even at the cost of our own happiness. When we are expected to make a decision that might impact others, especially those we love or care about, the weight of our choice can feel particularly heavy.

Lack of Confidence

There are many reasons someone may experience a lack of confidence in decision-making. For some, it is simply that they have not had much practice, for others it may be that they experienced the pain of making a poor choice.


When we feel empathy, we are experiencing a shared emotion with another. Although this can be a wonderfully warm and caring trait, it can cause trouble when we are in the process of decision-making. In our analysis of information, pros and cons, or potential outcomes, we may experience emotions that we anticipate others feeling as a result of our decision making. Whether accurate or not this can also lead to overwhelm and confusion, leaving us to not want to make a decision at all.

How to Stop Analysis Paralysis

If you find yourself in a state of analysis paralysis, it is important to understand that there are steps you can take to slow that process down or stop it altogether. The ruminating thoughts, confusion and worry might make it feel nearly impossible but we can have a sense of agency in these moments.

Recognize What Is Happening

One step to getting out of this state is to first realize you are in it. Scan your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Notice any muscle tension, shallow breathing, nausea, or other signals of stress that your body might be sending.

Give Yourself Permission to be Flexible

Rigid thinking, people-pleasing, and fear can lead to our inability to make a clear decision. Remind yourself that it is OK to be flexible and imperfect. Oftentimes, our fear of a poor outcome can feel heavy and permanent and it is often not the case.

Remind Yourself That You Are Capable

When we are fearful of a potential outcome it is usually because we are afraid we won’t be able to recover, that we won’t be able to navigate the path well if things become painful. What feels dangerous to us is often simply uncomfortable. Remind yourself of times when you have handled moments of challenge, stress and discomfort and bring that into your view of self as you navigate the decision ahead of you.

Stop Asking for Others’ Opinions

Much of what can lead to analysis paralysis is reaching for information, perspective, and the opinion of others.

Limit Forecasting and Stay Present

Analysis paralysis often involves looking out into the future to anticipate the outcomes of our choices. In doing this, we are trying to avoid or minimize experiencing pain but the reality is we often can’t predict outcomes. Allow yourself to be present and take the next best step.

A Word From Verywell

Experiencing analysis paralysis can feel uncomfortable and overwhelming. In our attempts to be careful decision-makers, we can find ourselves in the whirlwind of ruminating thoughts and constant fears of risk in the choice we are making. Acknowledge what is happening and make an effort to slow that whirlwind down, allowing yourself to simply take the next best step. If you’re having a hard time making decisions in any area of your life, a mental health professional can help equip you with the tools needed to help make decision-making easier for you.