It’s important to remember, however, that medication does not “cure” ADHD and is only a piece of the overall treatment plan, which may also include ADHD education, parent training, behavioral management methods, organizational strategies, school/work accommodations, coaching, and counseling.

Tips for Taking ADHD Medications

For some individuals with ADHD, these combined treatments may even lead to a reduced need or smaller dosage of ADHD medication. If you or your child is beginning a trial of ADHD medication, here are some helpful tips.

Get a Baseline Reading

Before beginning the medication, make notes of current behavior, sleep, appetite, and mood. These notes will serve as a baseline you can use to compare before and after medication patterns. This information will help you and your doctor differentiate what changes are related to the medication and what may be related to the ADHD that is being treated.

Let Your Doctor Know About Other Medications You Take

It’s important for your doctor to be aware of any other medications, both prescribed and over-the-counter, that you or your child are currently taking. Medications can sometimes interact with one another, potentially causing problems or interfering with the potency of each other. Be sure to inform him or her of any supplements or vitamins as well. Keeping your doctor in the loop about your questions, concerns, and observations is key in discerning what treatment plans and medications are right for you.

3. Ask About Other Possible Interactions

Ask your doctor if there are any foods, drinks, or other medications that you or your child should avoid while on your ADHD medication. There was an error. Please try again.

4. Know the Side Effects

Ask your doctor to clearly explain all possible side effects of the medication. Obviously, the benefits of the medication must outweigh the risks of potential adverse side effects. For the common, less serious types of side effects, ask your doctor what strategies you can utilize to help minimize effects. It may be that taking food with the medication is helpful in reducing stomachaches or headaches or adjusting the schedule of the medication will help improve appetite or sleep problems, for example.

5. Understand Dose Adjustments

Your doctor will start at the lowest dose possible and adjust upward as necessary. Close communication is especially important during this time as you work together to reach optimal results. Know that your doctor may need to adjust the medication a number of times to find the most effective level. If side effects become problematic, a simple adjustment downward often solves the problem. If there doesn’t seem to be significant improvement with the medication you or your child is taking, your doctor may begin a new trial with a different medication. Since everyone is different, it may be that you or your child respond better to one medication than another.

6. Get a Medication Fact Sheet

Be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist for a copy of the medication fact sheet to take home and read more thoroughly. If questions come up while reading through the sheet, don’t hesitate to call your doctor’s office.

7. Follow Instructions

It’s important to adhere to your doctor’s directions regarding the times your medication should be taken. When medication is taken at consistent times during the day, you will have a clearer picture of its effectiveness. Ask your doctor what to do if you accidentally miss a dose or take too many doses.