Meet Heather Monahan

Heather Monahan is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of Boss In Heels. As a former C-suite executive, Heather is a Glass Ceiling Award winner and was named one of the most Influential Women in Radio in 2017. Thrive Global also named her a Limit Breaking Female Founder in 2018.   Host of the “Creating Confidence” podcast, Heather’s work has been featured in USA Today, CNN, Forbes, Fast Company and Business News Daily.

Why Heather Monahan Is Mentally Strong

While Heather feels confident now, she didn’t always feel this way. At one point, she was fired from her job, and her confidence took a major hit. But she developed strategies that helped squash her self-doubt.

What You’ll Hear on the Show

The benefits of confidence How Heather’s confidence led to Harvard inviting her to teach a class (even though she didn’t attend an Ivy League school) How to use language that exudes confidence The difference between confidence and arrogance How to accept a compliment How Heather landed Gary Vee as the first guest on her podcast How to make a humble childhood your superpower (instead of being embarrassed by it) Why it’s important to shine a light on shame Heather’s strategy for channeling confidence when you need it most The conversation she had with herself when she almost backed out of giving a TEDx talk

What You’ll Learn About Confidence and Mental Strength

You might think you’re cutting the tension with self-deprecating humor or that you’re being humble by saying negative things about yourself. But undercutting yourself also sends a strong message to people around you. While it’s important to own your mistakes, don’t apologize for being you. And while it’s good to avoid taking yourself too seriously, putting yourself down sends a message that it’s OK for others to do the same.

Quotes From Heather

“You’re selling people on who you are and how to treat you.““Channel whoever you need to in that moment because that will build confidence for you.““Confidence is like a muscle that when trained will grow. The more you practice stepping into different things, the more proof you get that you can do hard things."“Clarity and communication are really important right now given the uncertainty in our world. People look to those who can lead people. They look to others for clarity. People want to worth with those who have certainty.”

More About the Podcast

The Verywell Mind Podcast is available across all streaming platforms. If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. Reviews and ratings are a great way to encourage other people to listen and help them prioritize their mental health too.