During this process, a trained psychotherapist helps the client tackle specific or general problems, such as mental illness or a source of life stress. Depending on the approach used by the therapist, a wide range of techniques and strategies can be used. Almost all types of psychotherapy involve developing a therapeutic relationship, communicating and creating a dialogue, and working to overcome problematic thoughts or behaviors. This article discusses the different types of psychotherapy that are available and the potential benefits of psychotherapy. It also covers the different conditions it can treat and its effectiveness for a variety of disorders.

Types of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy can take different formats depending on the style of the therapist and the needs of the patient. A few formats that you might encounter include:

Individual therapy, which involves working one-on-one with a psychotherapist. Couples therapy, which involves working with a therapist as a couple to improve how you function in your relationship. Family therapy, which centers on improving the dynamic within families and can include multiple individuals within a family unit. Group therapy, which involves a small group of individuals who share a common goal. (This approach allows members of the group to offer and receive support from others, as well as practice new behaviors within a supportive and receptive group.)


When people hear the word “psychotherapy,” many imagine the stereotypical image of a patient lying on a couch talking while a therapist sits in a nearby chair jotting down thoughts on a yellow notepad. The reality is that there are a variety of techniques and practices used in psychotherapy. The exact method used in each situation can vary based upon a variety of factors, including the training and background of the therapist, the preferences of the client, and the exact nature of the client’s current problem. Here is a brief overview of the main types of therapy.

Behavioral Therapy

When behaviorism became a more prominent school of thought during the early part of the twentieth century, conditioning techniques began to play an important role in psychotherapy. While behaviorism may not be as dominant as it once was, many of its methods are still very popular today. Behavioral therapy often uses classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning to help clients alter problematic behaviors.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The approach known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapeutic treatment that helps patients understand the thoughts and feelings that influence behaviors. CBT is used to treat a range of conditions including phobias, addiction, depression, and anxiety. CBT involves cognitive and behavioral techniques to change negative thoughts and maladaptive behaviors. The approach helps people to change underlying thoughts that contribute to distress and modify problematic behaviors that result from these thoughts.

Cognitive Therapy

The cognitive revolution of the 1960s also had a major impact on the practice of psychotherapy, as psychologists began to increasingly focus on how human thought processes influence behavior and functioning. For example, if you tend to see the negative aspects of every situation, you will probably have a more pessimistic outlook and a gloomier overall mood. The goal of cognitive therapy is to identify the cognitive distortions that lead to this type of thinking and replace them with more realistic and positive ones. By doing so, people are able to improve their moods and overall well-being.

Humanistic Therapy

Starting in the 1950s, the school of thought known as humanistic psychology began to have an influence on psychotherapy. The humanist psychologist Carl Rogers developed an approach known as client-centered therapy, which focused on the therapist showing unconditional positive regard to the client. Today, aspects of this approach remain widely used. The humanistic approach to psychotherapy focuses on helping people maximize their potential and stresses the importance of self-exploration, free will, and self-actualization.

Psychoanalytic Therapy

While psychotherapy was practiced in various forms as far back as the time of the ancient Greeks, it received its formal start when Sigmund Freud began using talk therapy to work with patients. Techniques commonly used by Freud included the analysis of transference, dream interpretation, and free association. This psychoanalytic approach involves delving into a person’s thoughts and past experiences to seek out unconscious thoughts, feelings, and memories that may influence behavior.

What Psychotherapy Can Help With

Psychotherapy comes in many forms, but all are designed to help people overcome challenges, develop coping strategies, and lead happier and healthier lives. If you are experiencing symptoms of a psychological or psychiatric disorder, you might benefit from an evaluation by a trained and experienced psychotherapist who is qualified to assess, diagnose, and treat mental health conditions. Psychotherapy is used to treat a wide range of mental health conditions, including:

Addiction Anxiety disorders Bipolar disorder Depression Eating disorders Obsessive-compulsive disorder Phobias Post-traumatic stress disorder Substance use disorder

In addition, psychotherapy has been found to help people cope with the following:

Chronic pain or serious illnesses Divorce and break-ups Grief or loss Insomnia Low self-esteem Relationship problems Stress

How to Get the Most Out of Psychotherapy

The efficacy of therapy can vary depending on a wide range of factors. The nature and severity of your problem will play a role, but there are also things you can do to get the most out of your sessions, including:

Being honest with your therapist: Don’t try to hide problems or feelings. Your goal is to show up as your true self without trying to hide aspects of your personality that you might be afraid to reveal. Feeling your feelings: Don’t try to hide negative or distressing emotions such as grief, anger, fear, or jealousy. Talking about these feelings within the context of therapy can help you understand them better. Being open to the process: Work on forming an open and genuine therapeutic alliance with your therapist. Some research suggests that therapy is most effective when you feel a connection with the mental health professional treating you. Attending your sessions: Life gets busy, but try to stick to your treatment plan and scheduled appointments as best you can.  Doing the work: If your therapist assigns homework to work on outside of your sessions, make an effort to finish it before the next session.


Psychotherapy is often more affordable than other types of therapy and a viable option for those who don’t require psychotropic medication. You can reap the possible benefits of psychotherapy even if you just feel that there is something “off” in your life that might be improved by consulting with a mental health professional. Notable benefits of psychotherapy include:

Improved communication skillsHealthier thinking patterns and greater awareness of negative thoughtsGreater insights about your lifeAbility to make healthier choicesBetter coping strategies to manage distressStronger family bonds


One of the major criticisms leveled against psychotherapy calls into question its effectiveness. In one early and frequently cited study, a psychologist named Hans Eysenck found that two-thirds of participants either improved or recovered on their own within two years, regardless of whether they had received psychotherapy. However, in numerous subsequent studies, researchers found that psychotherapy can enhance the well-being of clients. In his book “The Great Psychotherapy Debate,” statistician and psychologist Bruce Wampold reported that factors such as the therapist’s personality as well as their belief in the effectiveness of the treatment played a role in the outcome of psychotherapy.

91% are satisfied with the quality of therapy they receive 84% are satisfied with their progress toward personal mental health goals 78% believe therapy plays a big part in meeting those goals

Surprisingly, Wampold suggested that the type of therapy and the theoretical basis of the treatment do not have an effect on the outcome. The disagreement has motivated researchers to continue to examine and study the effectiveness of psychotherapy. More recent research has shown that psychotherapy is an effective form of treatment for some anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and eating disorders as well as grief and trauma.

Things to Consider

There are a number of issues or concerns for both therapists and clients. When providing services to clients, psychotherapists need to consider issues such as informed consent, patient confidentiality, and duty to warn. Informed consent involves notifying a client of all of the potential risks and benefits associated with treatment. This includes explaining the exact nature of the treatment, any possible risks, costs, and the available alternatives. Duty to warn gives counselors and therapists the right to breach confidentiality if a client poses a risk to another person. Because clients frequently discuss issues that are highly personal and sensitive in nature, psychotherapists also have a legal obligation to protect a patient’s right to confidentiality. However, one instance where psychotherapists have a right to breach patient confidentiality is if clients pose an imminent threat to either themselves or others.

How to Know If You Need Psychotherapy

You might realize that psychotherapy can help with life’s problems, but it can still be difficult to seek help or to even recognize when it is time to talk to a professional. Some key signs that it might be time to see a psychotherapist are when:

The issue is causing significant distress or disruption in your life. If you feel that the problem you are facing interrupts a number of important areas of your life, including school, work, and relationships, it may be time to try psychotherapy.You are relying on unhealthy or dangerous coping mechanisms. If you find yourself dealing with your problem in unhealthy ways such as by smoking, drinking, overeating, or taking out your frustrations on others, seeking assistance can help you find healthier and more beneficial coping strategies.Friends and family are concerned about your well-being. If it has reached a point where other people are worried about your emotional health, it may be time to see if psychotherapy can improve your psychological state.Nothing you have tried so far has helped. You’ve read self-help books, explored some techniques you read about online, or even tried just ignoring the problem, yet things just seem to be staying the same or even getting worse.

How to Get Started

Psychotherapy can be an effective treatment choice for a range of psychological issues. You don’t have to wait until your life becomes so overwhelming that you can’t cope to ask for help. The sooner you reach out, the sooner you can get the help you need to live a healthier, happier life. If you feel that you or someone you love might benefit from this form of therapy, consider the following steps:

Consult with your primary physician. Your doctor might begin by ruling out any physical diseases that could cause or contribute to your symptoms. If no specific physical cause is found, your doctor can refer you to a mental health professional who is qualified to diagnose and treat mental illness. Look for a qualified individual. People who provide psychotherapy can hold a number of different titles or degrees. Titles such as “psychologist” or “psychiatrist” are protected and carry specific educational and licensing requirements. Some of the individuals who are qualified to offer psychotherapy include psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed counselors, licensed social workers, and advanced psychiatric nurses. Choose the right therapist. When selecting a therapist, consider whether you feel comfortable divulging personal information to the therapist. You should also assess the therapist’s qualifications, including the type of degree they hold and years of experience. Referrals from friends and family members can sometimes be a good route to connecting with a therapist who can help you. Consider whether you need medication. Your symptoms should play a role in the treatment and therapist you choose. For example, if the best treatment for you would require prescription medications and psychotherapy, seeing a psychiatrist may be beneficial. If you would most benefit from some form of talk therapy without the addition of prescription drugs, you might be referred to a clinical psychologist or counselor. Be prepared to fill out paperwork. When getting started with therapy, your therapist will likely collect your health history as well as personal contact information. You will also likely need to sign some consent forms. Don’t be afraid to try different therapists. Psychotherapy is both an art and a science. If your sessions don’t feel helpful or you just don’t seem to “click” with your current therapist, it’s OK to try therapy with someone else. Keep looking until you find a professional that you feel comfortable with.

A Word From Verywell

Psychotherapy can be helpful for people who are experiencing a mental health problem, but it can also be beneficial for people interested in learning new coping strategies or better understanding their own thoughts and experiences.

Does the therapist seem professional and qualified?Do you feel comfortable sharing your feelings and experiences?Do you like the therapist’s conversational style?Are you satisfied with the extent of your interaction with the therapist?Do they seem to understand what you are feeling?What is their approach to treatment?What type of goals do they have for your treatment?

If you are interested in trying psychotherapy, you might start by talking to your primary care physician about your options. Referrals from friends, referral services, and online therapist directories can also be a great way to find a therapist.