How To Deal With A Passive Aggressive Bully

The person may give you the silent treatment, for instance. You may have no idea why this is happening—especially if the person denied they were even mad. Or they may ostracize you from a group, use passive violence (like slamming books or doors), or engage in subtle forms of relational aggression. People who behave in a passive-aggressive way can also be sarcastic, even when sarcasm is inappropriate. When confronted with their mean behavior, they often pass it off as a joke, accusing the recipient of being too sensitive....

January 26, 2023 · 8 min · 1493 words · Linda Medina

How To Deal With Crippling Anxiety

What Is Crippling Anxiety? Rather than being a clinical term, crippling anxiety is a common expression used to describe severe anxiety or an anxiety disorder. And in order to understand anxiety disorders, it’s essential to differentiate them from the everyday pressures and stressors people experience in their daily lives. For example, feeling nervous or having butterflies in your stomach before giving a presentation is typical and expected. However, when you experience anxiety more often than not, and it becomes challenging to complete daily tasks or participate fully in your life; it may be a sign of an anxiety disorder....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1221 words · Heather Schlindwein

How To Emotionally Process Your Partner Coming Out As Trans

If your partner has just informed you of their trans identity, you might have a lot of questions. You also might have a lot of feelings, which is completely normal! To help you best move through this complex situation, we have a step-by-step guide for how to emotionally and mentally process your partner coming out as trans. By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your behavior as a supportive for your partner as possible....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1206 words · Tyler Brimmage

How To Exude Confidence

Unfortunately, not everyone feels confident in their abilities. For example, you might feel more insecure in certain situations or settings. In other cases, feelings of anxiety or low self-esteem might interfere with your ability to act assuredly. Fortunately, there are things you can do to exude confidence in any situation, even when you might not be feeling it 100%. And, as the old saying goes, sometimes you just have to fake it until you make it....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1247 words · Anthony Ratcliff

How To Find A Narcissistic Abuse Support Group

If you are in an abusive relationship or have been in one in the past, getting help healing is extremely important. It isn’t uncommon for folks to be unaware of the various types of abuse. Abuse isn’t only physical harm that leaves bruises and scars. It can also be emotional and psychological abuse that can leave you feeling scared, unsure of yourself, and completely dependent on your abuser. This article will explore narcissistic abuse, a form of emotional and psychological abuse, and how you can find a support group to connect with other survivors of this abuse....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 1061 words · Michael Clarke

How To Get Over Regrets And Move Forward

For example, maybe you worked too much while your children grew up. Consequently, they are not close to you, and you are filled with regret about it. You feel stuck because your kids and your grandchildren aren’t in touch. You blame your past actions. Letting go of regret is important for your mental, emotional and physical health. Learn more about how regrets are harmful, the positive side of regrets, what our most intense regrets are, how to stop thinking about regrets, and ways to get over regrets and move forward....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 1051 words · Catherine Mueller

How To Handle Drunk Teens Children

If your teen has been drinking, it’s essential to know how to handle the situation appropriately. While this is an emotional experience for parents, you must support your child through the situation. This article discusses the dos and don’ts of dealing with a teen who has been drinking. It offers tips on how to respond, how to keep your child safe, and what steps you should take next. Your child is in a vulnerable state, both physically and mentally, and despite the fact that you may be angry with them, they need your care and concern at this time....

January 26, 2023 · 2 min · 411 words · Valerie Carter

How To Make Your Job More Enjoyable

Do you wish you had a better job? Fun jobs aren’t just for the very lucky; believe it or not, most ‘regular jobs’ can be turned into ‘fun jobs’ with some tweaking. This is good news for many people, who find themselves in a difficult job climate and may not want to risk quitting a safe job in search of a job that’s more enjoyable. Interestingly, what makes a job fun depends on the individual—and virtually everyone can take steps to make their current job more enjoyable to them personally, so different people in the same organization can take on different responsibilities that may complement each other....

January 26, 2023 · 3 min · 589 words · James Johnston

How To Send Disappearing Photos On Instagram

This feature can be a fun way to share quick updates or behind-the-scenes glimpses with your friends and followers, and it can also be useful for sending photos that you don’t want to remain visible indefinitely оn your profile. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to access and use the disappearing photos feature on Instagram and offer tips on making the most of this handy feature. How to access the disappearing photos feature Accessing the disappearing photos feature on Instagram is easy!...

January 26, 2023 · 2 min · 234 words · Philip Miller

How To Sober Up What Actually Works

People who are addicted to substances may require treatment in the form of medication, counseling, and in some cases, medical care. Treatment is typically long-term, and requires a lot of effort and commitment from the individual. If you are struggling with substance use, you may require treatment by one or more healthcare professionals, such as physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, or social workers, who can: Evaluate your behavior and consumption patterns Diagnose your condition and determine its severity Decide the goals of treatment with you and determine a treatment plan accordingly Provide medical care and prescribe medication, if needed Offer counseling services Work with you to help you achieve your goals and keep you safe...

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 747 words · Troy Magnall

How To Stop Being Passive Aggressive

Read ahead to learn how you can be less passive-aggressive and improve your interpersonal relationships. Examples of Passive-Aggressive Behavior Dr. Daramus shares some examples of passive-aggressive behavior: Having hidden expectations: Not telling someone what you want but being angry, hurt, or offended when you don’t get it Saying one thing but meaning another: Saying something nice but in a sarcastic tone of voice, or saying something mean about someone and pretending it’s a joke Giving someone the silent treatment: Ignoring someone, refusing to answer their calls, not responding to their texts, excluding them from events, saying hello to everyone but them, avoiding eye contact with them, or pretending not to hear them Expressing your feelings nonverbally: Smirking or rolling your eyes while speaking to someone, or expressing your displeasure by pouting, sighing loudly, or huffing Embarrassing someone: Asking someone uncomfortable questions in front of others to put them on the spot, revealing embarrassing things about them, gossiping about them to others while they’re in earshot, or telling others about issues you have with them instead of discussing them directly Working against someone: Pretending to support someone but secretly hoping things don’t go their way, or actively working to undermine or sabotage them so they don’t get what they want Procrastinating: Taking your own sweet time to do something for someone, pretending to forget you had to do it, or intentionally keeping someone waiting Giving gifts with ulterior motives: Giving gifts that are meant to change someone instead of celebrating them, such as buying them clothing that’s in your style instead of theirs Giving backhanded compliments: Giving someone a compliment that’s a thinly veiled insult, such as “You look so nice today, I didn’t recognize you!...

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 882 words · Cameron Wright

How To Use Acts Of Service In Your Relationship

Love Languages Defined Dr. Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages dives into the power of communicating love in relationships, both intimate and platonic. He explains that each of us gives and receives love differently. Of the five languages (Acts of Service, Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, and Receiving Gifts), we often prefer one more than the others. In terms of intimate relationships, Acts of Service is a language that can best be described as doing something for your partner that you know they would like, such as filling up their gas, watering their plants, or cooking them a meal....

January 26, 2023 · 4 min · 733 words · Andre Sanchez

How To Write An Outline In Apa Format

Formatting your paper in APA style can also be challenging, especially if you have never used the format before. Luckily, there are strategies you can use to make writing a psychology paper using APA format easier—one of which is creating an outline. What Is APA Format? APA format is the official style of the American Psychological Association (APA). It can be used to style papers written for university courses as well as in professional psychology publications....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1227 words · Bobby Powell

I Hate My Sister What To Do When You Feel Hate Toward Siblings

However, others may not be on the best terms with their siblings. If you feel like you hate your sister, you’re not alone. It is common for siblings to fight, which can lead to rivalry and hatred over time. This article explores some reasons why you might hate your sister as well as some coping strategies that may be helpful. Reasons Why You Might Hate Your Sister These are some reasons why you might hate your sister:...

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 932 words · Lynn Stacy

Is Marijuana Addictive

Most people who use marijuana do not become addicted to weed. They do not lose control of its use; they generally use the amount they want to use and control when they want to use it. When they use marijuana, they get the exact results they expect and intend to get. However, some who use marijuana do develop the symptoms of an actual addiction after chronic marijuana use. Is Marijuana Addictive?...

January 26, 2023 · 9 min · 1709 words · Rosalyn Terry

Jennifer Wolf Verywell Mind

January 26, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Lee Parker

Just Noticeable Difference Jnd In Psychology

The just noticeable difference applies to all senses including touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. It can apply to things such as brightness, sweetness, weight, pressure, and noisiness, among other things. It is important to understand the just noticeable difference vs. the absolute threshold. While the difference threshold or the just noticeable difference between two stimuli means detecting differences in stimulation levels, the absolute threshold refers to the smallest detectable level of stimulation....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 993 words · Elizabeth Poulin

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits Side Effects Dosage And Interactions

In essential oil practices, lavender is a multipurpose oil. It is purported to have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as well as antispasmodic, analgesic, detoxifying, hypotensive, and sedative effects. Health Benefits Lavender essential oil and its properties have been widely studied. Here’s a look at the research. Anxiety While there’s currently a lack of large-scale clinical trials testing lavender’s effects on people with anxiety, a number of studies show that the oil may offer some anti-anxiety benefits....

January 26, 2023 · 5 min · 914 words · Linda Hines

Lesbian Bisexual Women Face Greater Barriers To Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment

Researchers found that 43% of sexual minority women reported heavy episodes of drinking in the past year, while 10% met the criteria for alcohol dependence, and 22% reported that they recently wanted to reduce their drinking. Given how challenging it can be to seek help for alcohol use disorder, greater efforts are needed to support appropriate treatment for sexual minority women. Understanding the Research This study included 695 adult women of white, Black, and Latinx backgrounds, of which, 74% identified as lesbian, while 25% identified as bisexual, and found that alcohol outcomes varied by age and race/ethnicity, but not based on sexual identity or income....

January 26, 2023 · 6 min · 1189 words · Tony Chao

Living With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

January 26, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Carolyn Sherman