Toxic Masculinity And The Shifting Landscape Of What It Means To Be A Man

January 30, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Marcia Orr

Tramadol Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline And Treatment

But in recent years, many reports of tramadol-related emergency room visits have been reported. More and more doctors are reporting tramadol-dependent patients. And the list of potential tramadol withdrawal symptoms has continued to grow. Tramadol Withdrawal Tramadol use is on the rise. According to government statistics, tramadol prescriptions increased by 88% in just five years, from 23.3 million in 2008 to 43.8 million in 2013. Given this increased use, more and more people are finding themselves in trouble....

January 30, 2023 · 7 min · 1320 words · Shelia Vessey

Traumatic Grief Therapy Definition Techniques And Efficacy

Jennifer R. Levin, PhD, a therapist who is an expert in thanatology (the study of death, dying, and bereavement), defines traumatic grief therapy as “therapy that simultaneously addresses the trauma response and grief associated with a traumatic death.” Types of Grief Traumatic grief specifically takes place after a loved one passes away in a traumatic manner, and, as Levin says, “usually, but not always, in a sudden, unexpected manner.” Examples of death that might lead to traumatic grief include:...

January 30, 2023 · 5 min · 993 words · Robert Delariva

Types Of Professionals That Provide Psychotherapy

Professionals who provide psychotherapy and other mental health services often hold a number of different titles, credentials, or licenses. Job titles such as “psychologist” and “psychiatrist” require the individual to meet specific state and national requirements. The regulation of titles such as “psychotherapist” and “therapist” varies from state to state. For example, in the state of Oregon, the use of the title “psychotherapist” is restricted to individuals who are licensed by the Oregon Board of Psychological Examiners....

January 30, 2023 · 3 min · 470 words · Weldon Gordon

Understanding Food Phobias And Their Causes

Fear of Food Sometimes mistaken for an eating disorder, cibophobia is actually the fear of food. Those with eating disorders generally draw a link between eating and body image, while people with cibophobia fear the food itself. Cibophobia typically falls into patterns. Some people are afraid of highly perishable foods such as mayonnaise. Others worry about underdone meat or items that are nearing their expiration dates. Some people with cibophobia are afraid to cook, while some refuse to eat food cooked by others....

January 30, 2023 · 3 min · 436 words · Megan Cathey

Using Zyban To Help You Quit Smoking

Zyban was originally marketed as an antidepressant drug under the brand name Wellbutrin. It became apparent that bupropion was an effective quit aid because people who smoked who used it to treat depression also lost interest in smoking. People not planning to quit smoking found themselves stopping with relative ease while on the antidepressant. Later, bupropion hydrochloride was given the brand name of Zyban, and in 1997, the FDA approved it as a quit smoking aid....

January 30, 2023 · 5 min · 935 words · John Rogers

Wellbutrin Withdrawal Overview Symptoms Coping

Like all antidepressants, it offers many potential benefits but doesn’t work for everyone. Unlike the others, however, it carries a much lower risk of withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms of Wellbutrin may include excessive perspiration, digestive problems, insomnia, and others that are outlined in this article. If you’re not seeing signs that Wellbutrin is working, or it has worked and is no longer needed, here’s what to expect if you stop taking it....

January 30, 2023 · 5 min · 938 words · Edward Kot

What Is A Toxic Mother

Mother and father figures can mean different things in different families, especially in single-parent or multi-generational homes. That said, we will look primarily at what it means to have a toxic maternal relationship. We’ll also look at how these relationships can impact a person’s self-view and how that relationship can carry into adulthood. What Is a Toxic Relationship? To understand what it means to have a toxic relationship with a parent, it’s essential to understand what that term means concerning any relationship....

January 30, 2023 · 6 min · 1085 words · Terrell Slaubaugh

What Is Dementia Praecox

The term ‘dementia praecox’ was coined by the popular German psychiatrist, Emil Kraepelin. The term was popularized in an 1893 publication of a book written by him. In particular, he is noted for laying down early ideas on the causes and risk factors that can contribute to the emergence of schizophrenia. Symptoms of Dementia Praecox Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that causes a warped interpretation of reality. It’s a complex condition that can affect reasoning, speech, or behavior, and is estimated to affect from 0....

January 30, 2023 · 6 min · 1165 words · Leonila Voss

What Is Hookah

But there’s no such thing as a healthy smoking option. Hookah is not healthier than cigarettes, and it carries risks similar to those of cigarette smoking including cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. What Is Hookah? A hookah is a water pipe that is used to smoke sweetened and flavored tobacco. Other names people use for hookah are narghile, argileh, shisha, hubble-bubble, and goza. The pipe is usually quite large and consists of a water chamber, a tobacco chamber, and one or more flexible tubes stemming from it that allow multiple people to inhale at the same time....

January 30, 2023 · 6 min · 1074 words · Kristian Mancini

What Is Long Term Memory Types Duration Capacity

Long-term memory can be further subdivided into two different types: explicit (conscious) and implicit (unconscious) memory. If you can remember something that happened more than just a few moments ago, whether it occurred just hours ago or decades earlier, it is long-term memory. Types of Long-Term Memory Long-term memory is usually divided into two types—explicit and implicit. Explicit memories, also known as declarative memories, include all of the memories that are available in consciousness....

January 30, 2023 · 4 min · 847 words · Leonard Scott

What Is Morality

It may be helpful to differentiate between related terms, such as immoral, nonmoral, and amoral. Each has a slightly different meaning: Immoral: Describes someone who purposely commits an offensive act, even though they know the difference between what is right and wrongNonmoral: Describes situations in which morality is not a concernAmoral: Describes someone who acknowledges the difference between right and wrong, but who is not concerned with morality How Morals Are Established Morality isn’t fixed....

January 30, 2023 · 4 min · 786 words · Frank Shepard

What Is Postpartum Depression Ppd

Symptoms It’s completely normal for new moms to feel tired, moody, or overwhelmed after giving birth. But when these symptoms interfere with a new mother’s ability to function and care for their new child, it can be a sign of postpartum depression. Symptoms of PPD vary from person to person. And they may fluctuate on a daily basis. In general, here are some symptoms that mothers with this condition experience:...

January 30, 2023 · 5 min · 978 words · Jeffrey Novack

What Is Slut Shaming

The Origin of Slut-Shaming While the exact term slut-shaming has only been in use since the early 2000s, the concept is an old one. In ancient Roman times, women were criticized for their virtue and appearance. Cicero said in 56BC that women were to be considered “prostitutes” if they were unmarried and wore provocative clothing or attracted the attention of men. The term gained popularity thanks to “SlutWalk,” a protest walk that began in 2011 after a male police officer told female students that they could prevent being raped by not dressing “like sluts....

January 30, 2023 · 4 min · 763 words · Brice Thompson

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder? People with SAD have an irrational fear of being watched, judged, or of embarrassing or humiliating themselves. The anxiety and discomfort become so extreme that it interferes with daily functioning. While it can be a debilitating disorder, appropriate treatment recovery is possible. Causes Social anxiety disorder usually begins in the teenage years although it may start in childhood. While the exact cause of SAD is unknown, it is believed to result from a combination of both genetic and environmental factors....

January 30, 2023 · 7 min · 1323 words · Connie Vandiford

What Is Spiritual Bypassing

As a therapist and Buddhist teacher, Welwood began to notice that people (including himself) often wielded spirituality as a shield or type of defense mechanism. Rather than working through hard emotions or confronting unresolved issues, people would simply dismiss them with spiritual explanations. While it can be a way to protect the self from harm or to promote harmony between people, it doesn’t actually resolve the issue. Instead, it merely glosses over a problem, leaving it to fester without any true resolution....

January 30, 2023 · 10 min · 1993 words · Gracie Leone

What Is The Social Exchange Theory Examples And History

Most relationships are made up of a certain amount of give-and-take, but this does not mean that they are always equal. Social exchange suggests that it is the valuing of the ​benefits and costs of each relationship that determine whether or not we choose to continue a social association. History The notion of “social behavior as exchange” was first identified by American sociologist George C. Homans in 1958. Homans was a pioneer in behavioral sociology and held several roles of distinction in his career, including serving as president of the American Sociological Association (1963 to 1964) and chairman of Harvard’s Department of Sociology (1970 to 1975)....

January 30, 2023 · 4 min · 818 words · Helene Williams

What Kind Of Doctor Should You See For Your Depression

Rule Out Other Conditions If you identify with the symptoms of depression, your next step should be a visit to your family doctor or general practitioner for a thorough exam and screening. Your provider will ask you about your health history and risk factors and may use written questionnaires to assess your symptoms. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or guiltLosing interest in activities you once enjoyedFeeling tired or restlessIsolationDifficulty sleeping or sleeping too muchWeight gain or loss...

January 30, 2023 · 6 min · 1098 words · Michael Prezzia

What Materialism Is And How It Influences Shopping Addiction

A 2021 survey conducted by Experian found that the average adult in the U.S. has around $92,000 in consumer debt. Defining Materialism And Its Meaning Simply put, materialism is the importance one places on material possessions. These possessions could be anything, such as clothes, shoes, handbags, cars, electronic equipment, and gadgets. One’s home also counts as a material possession, even though everyone needs a place to live. However, people who tend to be more materialistic might view their home as a way to reflect their social status rather than serving as a place to dwell for shelter....

January 30, 2023 · 3 min · 588 words · Allen Brady

What Not To Say To Someone Having A Panic Attack

Chest pain Excessive sweating Heart palpitations Nausea Shaking Shortness of breath, Tingling These uncomfortable physical symptoms are frequently met with fearful thoughts and emotions, such as being afraid that the attack will cause one to lose control, go insane, have a medical emergency, or even possibly die. During a panic attack, it is not uncommon for a person to go through feelings of depersonalization and derealization in which they feels detached from the self and reality....

January 30, 2023 · 4 min · 689 words · Ricky Huddleston