While there may not be a medical illness present, the concerns that people with IAD have are very real, and the anxiety they feel can cause serious disruptions in normal daily functioning.


Hypochondriasis, or hypochondria, was eliminated in the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Hypochondria was eliminated from the DSM-5 because the term has negative connotations and is stigmatizing. Instead, most people who would have previously been diagnosed with hypochondriasis now receive a diagnosis of illness anxiety disorder or somatic symptom disorder. However, there are some who feel that hypochondriasis should be reclassified as a phobia since it represents a specific fear.


Symptoms of illness anxiety disorder center primarily on a preoccupation with the possibility of being ill, often based on normal body functions or mild physical complaints. Common symptoms include:

Avoiding people or places out of a fear of contracting an illnessConstantly searching the internet for information about symptoms and health conditionsConstantly talking to others about health problemsDistress that is significant enough to impair normal daily functioningFear that physical sensations are caused by a serious medical diseaseFeeling nervous and obsessed with frequently checking health statusHeightened awareness of minor bodily symptoms such as headaches, joint pain, or sweatingMaking doctor’s appointments to check up on mild symptoms or normal body functionsSignificant distress over the possibility of being sick


Illness anxiety disorder is often diagnosed after physical examinations and lab tests return normal results, but the person remains preoccupied and anxious about an underlying health condition. Diagnosis of IAD is based on the person’s symptoms, medical history, exam results, and accompanying mental health symptoms such as severe anxiety.  Diagnosis may be complicated by the fact that people with this condition are not reassured by normal exam or lab results and, as a result, may dismiss their doctor’s findings and seek another provider. In order to be diagnosed with illness anxiety disorder, an individual must exhibit the following:

Excessive worry about a serious or life-threatening illnessLack of or mild somatic symptomsExcessive worry and anxiety about health issuesRepeated checking for illness or indications of disease

Additionally, these symptoms must be present for at least six months and must not be better explained by another psychiatric condition.


It is easy for illness anxiety disorder to become a self-replicating cycle. Many of the physical symptoms of illness can also be caused by stress. Joint and muscle pain, sweating, nausea, and skin conditions are a few of the more common physical symptoms that people with illness anxiety disorder worry about. That worry can, in turn, cause these symptoms to worsen and cause new symptoms to develop.

Other Similar Conditions

Illness anxiety disorder is sometimes confused with other conditions or behaviors including:

Nosophobia: Both illness anxiety and nosophobia involve a fear of illness. The difference is in the exact nature of the fear. Nosophobia is the fear of developing a specific disease such as cancer or diabetes. Illness anxiety disorder is the fear that existing physical symptoms may be the result of an undiagnosed disease. Malingering: It is important to note the distinction between illness anxiety disorder and what is known as malingering. Malingering involves intentionally feigning an illness in order to gain or avoid something, such as to get financial compensation or avoid legal consequences. Illness anxiety disorder is not the same as people with IAD are not feigning illness and truly believe that they have an illness or are at risk of developing a serious condition.


The exact causes of illness anxiety disorder are not known, but there are a number of contributing factors that may play a role in the development of this condition. Some of these factors may include:

A history of illness during childhoodHaving another mental health condition such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or major depressive disorderA history of trauma, abuse, or neglect during childhoodThe presence of a serious symptom that poses a health threatStressFeeling uncomfortable when experiencing normal body sensations

Some research also suggests that people may have a higher risk of developing IAD if they spend a great deal of time on the internet reviewing the symptoms of different health conditions.


There are two types of illness anxiety disorder: care-seeking and care-avoidant.

Care-Seeking Type

Some people with illness anxiety disorder react with a need for constant reassurance. They may visit the doctor regularly despite tests showing that everything is normal. They may also frequently complain of their symptoms to friends and family members.

Care-Avoidant Type

Others with IAD react in the opposite extreme. They may avoid visiting the doctor for fear of learning bad news. They may be reluctant to share their fears with loved ones, either because they are afraid of having their fears confirmed or because they believe that they will not be taken seriously.


Research has shown that there are treatments that can be effective for illness anxiety disorder. Treatment often depends on the nature and severity of the condition, as well as any co-occurring mental health conditions.


There are different types of psychotherapy that can be useful for treating illness anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has become a popular option for treating IAD. This type of therapy helps people learn to manage the anxiety that they feel towards their physical symptoms. In turn, this can help the symptoms themselves diminish.


In addition to therapy, medication may be prescribed. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a type of medication that can help to treat illness anxiety disorder. These drugs are generally known as antidepressants and work by affecting the levels of serotonin in the brain. Examples include Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine) and Prozac (fluoxetine).


In addition to professional treatment for the condition, there are a number of self-help strategies that people might find helpful for reducing feelings of illness anxiety disorder:

Manage stress levels. Because stress can contribute to illness anxiety, finding ways to relieve stress may be helpful. Deep breathing, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation are just a few techniques that you may find helpful for relieving stress. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a technique that involves focusing on your body in the present moment. It may help you better understand the normal sensations that you feel each day so that they feel more normal and less like potential health problems. Avoid unhelpful information. Constantly reading frightening articles online about health conditions can heighten your anxieties. When you do seek information, look for sources that are trustworthy and reassuring, but avoid constantly reading about health conditions or illnesses.

A Word From Verywell

If you constantly worry about physical symptoms, it is important that you seek treatment. It is generally best to visit your family doctor first in order to rule out any possible medical cause for your symptoms. If your doctor does not find an illness, then the next step is to seek help from a mental health professional. Untreated illness anxiety disorder can eventually cause you to limit your life activities due to your fears. With treatment, however, you can get your symptoms under control and move on with your daily life. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.