If your teen has been drinking, it’s essential to know how to handle the situation appropriately. While this is an emotional experience for parents, you must support your child through the situation. This article discusses the dos and don’ts of dealing with a teen who has been drinking. It offers tips on how to respond, how to keep your child safe, and what steps you should take next. Your child is in a vulnerable state, both physically and mentally, and despite the fact that you may be angry with them, they need your care and concern at this time. If they can speak, try to find out how much they have had to drink in a way that will not encourage them to lie about the amount. You can also check with their companions or the party or drinking establishment where they were drinking to get an idea of how much they have consumed. You can also use a blood alcohol concentration estimate for men (for boys) or women (for girls) to evaluate your child’s level of intoxication. Be aware that most people underestimate how much alcohol they have consumed, especially in home-poured drinks.

They have had a fall or sustained any other injuries.They have—or you think they may have—taken other drugs, including prescription medication.They have lost consciousness (passed out or blacked out) at any point since starting drinking.They or someone else indicates that they may have just consumed strong alcoholic beverages, such as vodka or whiskey, as they may become more intoxicated.They are unable to speak or are incoherent.They have vomited. This is their body’s first line of defense against overdose.

You should also take your child to the ER if you are concerned about your child’s health or well-being for any other reason. The same is true if the other parent, or another person present, becomes violent toward your child. Parents can often get furious when their teenage kids are drunk, and you don’t want to get caught in the crossfire by trying to break them up. If they appear to be becoming more intoxicated as time goes on, take them to the emergency room. Ideally, you want to see them sober up before letting them “sleep it off.” If they have sobered up and you feel it will be safe to go to bed, make sure they go to sleep in the recovery position. If they vomit during the night, they are less likely to inhale the vomit.