Meet Skyh Black

Skyh Black spent much of his life dancing. In fact, he used to be a backup dancer for superstars like Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, and Rihanna.  But, a few years ago he decided he wanted to become an actor. He took a break from dancing and put all his energy into launching an acting career—which meant he became homeless for a bit. He took acting classes and with a lot of hard work, started landing roles in movies and on television. Some of his recent TV shows include “Sistas,” “All the Queen’s Men,” and “Lace.”

Why Skyh Black Is Mentally Strong

Skyh is able to express his emotions through the characters he plays. He hadn’t felt comfortable talking about feelings in the past. And that realization inspired him to begin talking publicly about mental health. Now, he’s sharing what he’s learned about feelings through his acting career.  So, he is sharing his experiences in hopes of helping others who can relate to the struggles he’s faced.

What You’ll Hear on the Show

How Skyh went from dancing to acting Why he doesn’t believe in backup plans or safety nets How he became homeless The warning signs that help him recognize when he needs to take better care of his mental health The reasons why he never felt safe experiencing and expressing emotions in the past What he learned about feelings when he began taking acting classes The strategies he uses to improve his mental health How he keeps a journal without writing down a single word Why Skyh became suicidal at one point How he deals with the guilt of not feeling great on the inside sometimes even though he has a great life on the outside How Skyh managed grief after the loss of his grandfather who raised him The one thing Skyh does right before he goes to sleep that has changed his mindset

What You’ll Learn About Mental Health and Mental Strength

Skyh talks a lot about how difficult it can be to express emotions, especially among men in the Black community. There’s often this notion that being strong means nothing hurts you. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. Environment plays a huge role in mental strength and mental health. And it’s important that we all work on reducing the stigma associated with caring for mental health and that we all work together to create psychological safety so that everyone has the ability to work on themselves.

Quotes From Skyh

“You can’t diminish what someone is going through because you just don’t know their story.““I’m walking in this body of a six [foot] one Black man and realizing some days I don’t feel great. And that’s OK. But I’m also having guilt that I don’t feel great because life is great.““I need moments of solitude to refill myself in order to pour into others.““I think it’s extremely vital to now tap into therapy and to understand why you are the way you are.” 

More About the Podcast

The Verywell Mind Podcast is available across all streaming platforms. If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. Reviews and ratings are a great way to encourage other people to listen and help them prioritize their mental health too. If You Liked This Episode, You Might Also Like These Episodes

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