Often this is the first time the child has been away from home and the close supervision of the parent(s). Parents may begin to obsess about contamination or their inability to ensure the child is safe or getting their needs met, among other things. For those who had OCD before their children were born, new thoughts or fears may arise. Even people who have been successfully managing their OCD symptoms can relapse if parental responsibilities trigger new intrusive thoughts. 

Impact on the Family

One study found in a two-year follow-up study that children with a parent who has OCD are more likely than others to develop social, behavioral, or emotional conditions. Parents with OCD often experience problems in their own social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. In an article for the International OCD Foundation, authors Jennifer Jencks, LICSW, and Barbara Van Noppen, PhD suggest that these problems also affect family functioning and may impact child development. They explain accommodation in the case of OCD to be ways in which the family intuitively supports the parent (reassurance, avoidance, etc.) that may unintentionally reinforce their OCD. Accommodation is one of the primary factors that predict the severity of OCD symptoms, according to Van Noppen and Steketee.


Treatment for parents with OCD is much like treatment for others with OCD. Ideally, anyone with OCD would get individual therapy based on the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) model. Most people respond well to a combination of exposure and response prevention (ERP), a specific type of CBT, and traditional CBT to address the thoughts that drive compulsions. ERP involves repeated exposure to the fear without engaging in the behavior that is used to decrease anxiety. For example, a parent with postpartum OCD might be asked to observe their child sleeping without placing a mirror by the child’s nose to ensure they’re breathing (or any other ritual the parent may use to manage intrusive thoughts that the child might die in their sleep). Another component of therapy for parents with OCD is family therapy. It is important for family members to understand the disorder and ways they may inadvertently contribute to it. Children and spouses or partners learn how they accommodate the parent with OCD, and new strategies to disengage in that behavior. By talking about these issues together, children and partners learn how to resist old behaviors and responses and replace them with new ones. The parent with OCD also learns from each family member how they feel when asked to engage in behaviors or rituals that are harmful to the parent. Medication is often used for the treatment of any type of OCD. It is necessary to work with a psychiatrist who can guide and direct your treatment, especially any medications you take. Antidepressants are often effective in the treatment of OCD. Finding the right medication at the correct dose can take a while, so good communication with the psychiatrist and therapist is critical. It is helpful to keep a log or journal of your symptoms to share with the doctor and therapist. This allows them to see patterns over time and tweak medication as needed.

Self Help for Parental OCD

Self-help and support groups are also beneficial for parents with OCD. Groups allow the members to learn from those who share similar challenges, and to give back to others as they learn to cope with their condition. Relaxation activities and mindfulness meditation are often helpful in managing OCD and daily stress. Many clinicians recommend these techniques for people who have from this disorder. It is also essential to take care of your health, as physical health impacts mental health. Get plenty of sleep, eat nutritious foods, and try to get some exercise most days. It is also helpful to avoid caffeine as it may contribute to anxiety.