Meet Dr. Corey Yeager

Dr. Yeager is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Much of his work focuses on facilitating the advancement of meaningful dialogue surrounding the subject of race and racism. He also serves as the therapist for the Detroit Pistons.  He’s the author of a new book called “How Am I Doing: 40 Conversations to Have With Yourself.” In it, he describes questions we can all ask ourselves to increase self-awareness. 

Why Dr. Yeager Is Mentally Strong

Dr. Yeager has found ways to combine his passions: sports, psychology, and conversations about race and racism.  In his book, he not only provides questions that can help people gain insight into themselves, but he also offers practical tools and tips for improving mental health. 

What You’ll Hear on the Show

How asking yourself meaningful questions can help you know yourself better Why you should create time for solitude How society views getting to know yourself versus Dr. Yeager’s thoughts on how to actually know more about yourself How Dr. Yeager developed the 40 questions he poses in the book How Dr. Yeager likes to uncover the root of the problem–and how stories and metaphors can help Why you should ask yourself what makes you deeply happy Why Dr. Yeager thinks therapy can happen between friends How NBA players spend 23 seconds of their time and what that taught Dr. Yeager Why he thinks a therapist’s real job is to just be curious Some of the specific conversations Dr. Yeager suggests we start having with ourselves Why different parts of your personality might show up in different circumstances

What You’ll Learn About Mental Health and Mental Strength

The word ‘self-awareness’ is used quite often but it’s rare that people share how to develop it. Part of healthy self-awareness might involve recognizing that you have shortcomings or acknowledging that you have some mental health issues.  Dr. Yeager offers specific questions that can help you get to know yourself better. Just spending a little time in quiet reflection might help you gain a better understanding of your behavior and your relationships. 

Quotes From Dr. Yeager

“I see the world as a pattern of stories.” “I also believe that therapy happens between two friends—that there’s no license that is between either of them—but it’s therapeutic when they come together and have discussions and talk with one another. That’s therapy.” “The job of a therapist is not to fix anyone’s issues or change anyone. It’s really just to be curious [about their clients].”

More About the Podcast

The Verywell Mind Podcast is available across all streaming platforms. If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. Reviews and ratings are a great way to encourage other people to listen and help them prioritize their mental health too. If You Liked This Episode, You Might Also Like These Episodes For media or public speaking inquiries, contact Amy here.

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