Do you suspect that you’ve had periods of bipolar mania? Do you think you might be manic now? If you are wondering if you might have bipolar disorder, a symptom quiz can be a useful way to check for manic or depressive symptoms. Use the checklist below to see how many symptoms of mania you have and check your score at the end. The test is written as if you are currently experiencing symptoms. If you’re concerned about symptoms you’ve had in the past, consider a period of at least one week when some symptoms from each group were present every day, for most of the day.

Bipolar Mania Self-Test

Keep count of the number of questions where your answer is Yes in each group.

Group 1

Have you had an unusual increase in energy and/or activity? Do you feel abnormally happy, even though nothing in your life can account for it? The happiness may have begun with something special, but the happiness has lasted longer than normal. Is your mood abnormally expansive? Are you abnormally irritable for no real reason?

Group 2

These symptoms should represent a noticeable difference from your normal behavior or experience.

Is your self-esteem higher than normal, or are you experiencing grandiosity? Do you feel rested with only a few hours of sleep? Are you talking more than usual, or do you frequently feel like you absolutely must keep talking? Do you have racing thoughts, or are you speaking extremely rapidly, jumping from topic to topic (flight of ideas)? Are you very easily distracted? Are you physically extremely restless, or are you plunging into projects on impulse (like painting your garage at 2 a.m., or suddenly inviting 20 people to dinner that night)? Are you taking foolish risks with little or no thought about consequences?

Group 3

Are your behaviors causing serious difficulties in your life (for example, severe problems in relationships or at work or school)? Are you having hallucinations, or are you delusional? Have you had to be hospitalized because of your symptoms in order to prevent you from harming yourself or others?

Scoring Bipolar Mania Self-Test

Note: After you have scored your results, it’s essential to read about other important factors below.

Group 1:

1 Yes = 0 points 2+ Yes = 1 point

Group 2:

1-2 Yes = 0 points 3+ Yes = 1 point

Group 3:

1+ Yes = 1 point

Bipolar Mania Self-Test Results

In general, 3 points are necessary to be diagnosed as having a manic episode. However, the presence of a number of symptoms in any single group is an indication that you’re in need of a mental health evaluation. Your doctor may still conclude that you have bipolar disorder.

Other Important Factors

You must also consider these elements:

You may be experiencing hypomania rather than mania. You may be having a mixed episode. You may have another illness such as schizophrenia or brief psychotic disorder.

Did your symptoms begin with the use of an illegal drug? If yes, a diagnosis of mania can’t be confirmed, but you should seek treatment immediately.Did your symptoms begin after the use of a prescription medication or other medical treatment? If yes, the presence or absence of bipolar mania must be evaluated by a doctor, but again, you should seek treatment immediately.

If you are experiencing symptoms that may be related to bipolar disorder or another mental health condition, talk to your healthcare provider. They can evaluate your symptoms, make a diagnosis, and recommend appropriate treatments that will help you manage the condition.

A Word From Verywell

If you are experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider. Learning more about the condition may help you better recognize some of the symptoms of bipolar mania and depression. Remember, however, that this test is not a diagnostic tool. Only a healthcare provider can diagnose mania or bipolar disorder.