Education on EDs is often curtailed by cultural stigmas about body image, weight, race, gender, economic status, and more, leaving many people unaware of what they are and whom they affect. Misinformation often prevents someone with an ED from asking for help or even feeling that they deserve it. Social media can be triggering for those with EDs, but there’s also a ton of inspiring content out there if you know where to look. Here’s our list of the top seven influencers to follow for ED recovery; they’ll remind you that no matter where you are now, you can have a more positive, accepting, and loving relationship with food, with your body, and with yourself. Ryan’s messaging on Instagram is to love yourself just as you are without conditions. His captions detail some of his “darkest and most vulnerable moments” that tell how he’s learning to respect himself through it all: toxic relationships, fat shaming, weight stigmas, and false tropes about masculinity. Ryan says, “The reality is, is so many people struggle with mental health issues and eating disorders are a mental health issue.” Ryan is the chair of the ambassador program at NEDA, a brawn model, and a motivational speaker. He also has an upcoming digital series called States of Perception: Body Image. Nia emphasizes the importance of sharing everyone’s stories in the ED community. “We need to get people to see that fat men, trans people, ‘average-bodied’ Black women, and more, can and do have eating disorders. When we’re sharing these people’s stories, we’re letting other people in marginalized bodies see that they can start recovery, too.” He notes that Instagram, when used thoughtfully, can be a useful tool during recovery. “I believe that Instagram can be hugely helpful in recovery as long as people are mindful of how they use it. I focus mostly on following fat positive and ‘Health at Every Size’ accounts, as well as mental health advocates and therapists that offer an uplifting and empowering perspective.” As a transgender person with an ED, Sam’s account is full of his own original, meaningful thoughts about recognizing stigmas, releasing insecurities, feeling the pain and joy of healing, and honoring yourself above all. “EDs are so, so prevalent in our [transgender] community, but it can be difficult to find people who are able to talk about it openly.”  Jennifer knows through experience that it’s key for anyone with an ED to find the right support system for themselves, whether that is following encouraging Instagram accounts (avoiding fitness accounts that perpetuate disordered or unrealistic ways of thinking about food) or finding a therapist or a mentor. “Yes of course my struggles are real, and of course they matter," she says, “but they don’t matter more than the millions of people who are actively harmed and erased by a society that only listens to people who look like me.” How does Gina recommend navigating Instagram for ED recovery? “Diversify your feed! Follow people who don’t look like you. Follow fat activists, plus size models, people challenging the beauty ideal, people who are rioting against oppressive racism, ableism, and other harmful standards,” she says. At the same time, Gina warns, “Unfollow people [on Instagram] who promote diet culture mentality, sell skinny teas, or participate in rhetoric that’s harmful or hateful.”’ Put on a diet and gym regimen by the age of 10, Vaughn’s relationship with food became restrictive when he realized that, to exist as he was, he was rendered completely invisible. In order to be noticed and accepted by society, he could restrict his eating and compulsively exercise to present as a more typical “female” body. “The most beautiful things about me are my broken pieces,” he says. His experience with recovery from his eating disorder and his journey toward identifying as a trans person enables him now to coach kids of all ages in the LGBTQ+ community, who are four times as likely to develop eating disorders as the average child.

Eating disorders are not a fad or choice; they are serious and complex illnesses that stem from a variety of biological, psychological and social factors.Eating disorders do not discriminate; anyone in any sized body can have any type of eating disorder.”

Chelsea says, “My hope is that people will begin to understand and respect the experiences of folks who are different from them, and find inspiration and hope from the stories that resonate with their experience.” Want to be a part of the change? Try visiting the Get Involved section of the NEDA website. NEDA hosts annual awareness campaigns like NEDAwareness Week and Weight Stigma Awareness Week, as well as regional conferences, NEDA walks, legislative advocacy, and more, all supported by their NEDA Ambassadors. If you or someone you know is struggling with body image or eating concerns, feel free to call NEDA’s toll-free, confidential Helpline by phone (800-931-2237) and their click-to-chat message. Crisis support is also available via text message by texting NEDA to 741741.