Books and magazines devoted to the mind and behavior are almost always a welcome gift, but there are plenty of other fun and educational items that might appeal to your loved one. Here are 10 great psychology gift ideas if you are shopping for someone with a passion for psychology. Start by asking which books the student might need next semester, or consider a reference manual they can use to look up some of the less commonly talked about topics. It’s always a good idea to talk to your student first, as they may already have some of the best manuals. For example, what happens in the brain when a person experiences happiness or anger? What are the cognitive biases that distort our thinking and affect every decision we make? Is narcissism truly on the rise? Ask your questions or share your dreams, and then give the ball a shake to get your answer. In other words, in Freudian theory, the ball works to bring your unconscious thoughts to conscious awareness. This tongue-in-cheek approach to Freudian therapy is sure to entertain. Some colleges are more PC friendly and other more Mac friendly, and even within a college this can vary based on the field of study. There are other features as well for which knowing their preferences are important. Does your student want a touchscreen? What about graphics? Knowing the answers to these questions, a laptop can be an amazing gift that will be cherished for a long time.